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Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.

Google reviews are assumed to be true, because we take your real customers’ review phrases and add them as professionals. It is safe to buy Google reviews and use them for improving the reputation of your business.

The actual cost of Google reviews differs depending on the package and wanted features which you choose The cost can start for as low as a few dollars and go up to hundreds of dollars.

Google can detect fake reviews in few cases. For example, if many similar reviews are uploaded at once or during a very small time frame. Google cannot detect fake reviews if they look legitimate.

We don’t use any VPN or bots. All real users. That’s why Google takes them as real customers. We have  replacement guarantee if you notify us in 15 days.

Practically speaking, fake reviews cannot be detected, and no action can be taken against them. Due to this, buyers regularly leave fake reviews for the products and services bought by them.

We have a big team who are almost in all countries. If you would like to buy Google reviews only from the accounts in your country, please let us know. It is an additional service.

We add 3-10 reviews per day depending the Google My Business listings review amount. It can be different for some situations. We are carefully to show your Google listing good.

We launch the Google review generating process in 24 hours. You usually see the reviews in 24-48 hours or less. You will be notified by e-mail when we launched and finished the process.

Only the user who has left the review has the power of deleting it. The business itself does not have the power to delete it. Also, Google does not delete reviews unless it detects spam.  But we have some alternative solutions to solve negative Google reviews. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Ready to level up your online reputation? Reach out now.